Break free from getting sick!

Are you tired of feeling rundown and constantly battling illness? Do your friends often say, “You’re always sick”? Then it’s time for a change! Welcome to the 5-Day Reboot Immune System Program, an online, self-paced journey designed to restore your health, energy, and vitality.

This Program is right for you if...

  • You're tired of being sick ALL of the time!

    Are frequent illnesses wearing you down? It might be time to give your immune system a boost. Reboot Your Immune System and ensure it's functioning at its peak performance!

  • You think you're unlucky and that's why you get sick all of the time

    Why is it that some people can hardly ever get sick but you seem to catch every bug that comes within close range of you? You can be the person who has all the energy and health by rebooting your Immune System!

  • You're ready to be energetic and healthy!

    How exciting to be able to enjoy life to the fullest because you're not dealing with getting sick all of the time. Get your life back and be able to enjoy yourself again by rebooting your Immune System

Unlock a life of health and energy

What We'll Cover in the Reboot Immune System Program

Day 1: Reprogram the Subconscious Mind

  • Understand how the subconscious controls your immune system

  • Determine your immune system's functionality level

  • Identify the root cause of your low immune system function

  • Reprogram your subconscious for optimal immune health

  • Guided Meditation

Day 2: Transition from Survival to Thrive Mode

  • Understand real vs. perceived threats

  • Learn the impact of survival mode on your immune system

  • Identify if you are in survival mode or thrive mode

  • Release threats and shift into thrive mode

  • Guided Meditation

Day 3: Rewire Your Belief System

  • Understand the impact of beliefs on your immune system

  • Identify and reprogram your current beliefs

  • Guided Meditation

Day 4: Rebalance Your Root Chakra

  • Understand energy and the root chakra

  • Understand the impact of an imbalanced root chakra on your immune system

  • Release blocks and rebalance your root chakra

  • Guided Meditation

Day 5: Strengthen Your Immune System

  • Learn how life impacts your immune system

  • Looking at optimal immune functionality

  • Guided Meditation

Why You Need This Program:

  • Stop getting sick all the time

  • Have more energy

  • Improve your overall health and well-being

  • Be free to be yourself, unfiltered by illness

  • Stop being known as “the one who is always sick”

  • Become the best version of yourself

  • Enjoy a social life unhindered by sickness

  • Feel empowered and in control of your health

What’s the Cost of Not Doing This Program?

  • Continue to get sick all the time

  • Struggle with daily tasks due to low energy

  • Miss out on social events and work opportunities

  • Feel stuck as “the sick person”

  • Live a life less than your fullest potential

Hi, I'm Lauren Knapic

I created this program because I kept getting sick, over and over again. And even though it was just the usual things like coughs, colds and gastro, I got to a point where I thought to myself - hold on, either I have the worst luck in the world to get sick all the time, or something is not functioning correctly with my immune system. I took a deep dive into what was happening subconsciously, so that I could really get to the root cause as to why I was getting sick all of the time. I have now created this process that allows me to ensure that my immune system is always functioning at its best. At my lowest time, I found that my immune system was only running at 10% of its capacity. 10%. No wonder I was getting sick with every bug that came close to me. What is amazing though, is that with these techniques that I share in this program, it will help to flick the switch in the positive way, and get your immune system working at 100% functionality again.

Common Mistakes and Their Costs:

A lot of people make some common mistakes because they don't think there is any other option. I know because I was making these same mistakes myself! I want you to be aware of these mistakes so that you don't have to ever make them again

  • Mistake #1: Thinking You’re Just Rundown

    Costs: Continues low immune function, frequent illness, constant fatigue Solution: Discover the subconscious mind’s influence over your immune system

  • Mistake #2: Believing There’s Nothing You Can Do

    Costs: Missed opportunities, constant sickness, low performance Solution: Learn holistic healing methods to boost your immune system

  • Mistake #3: Thinking Your Body is a Dud

    Costs: Constant illness, low energy, poor social and work life Solution: Understand the mind-body connection and empower yourself